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Amarr Garage Doors.
Traditional Garage Doors fit your home's individuality
When cars began to replace the horse and buggy as the primary mode of transportation carriage houses were often converted into garages to protect the new-fangled motor-cars from the elements. Carriage house doors that swung outward on strap hinges were awkward and sometimes difficult to open if snow or leaves were on the ground. Over the years sliding and folding doors were used, but the invention in 1921 of the overhead garage door, that hinged horizontally and was raised upward on tracks, became the final solution to the garage door dilemma.
Discuss your garage door needs with us today.
High tech meets high style
Once the overhead garage door technology was developed there was no limit to the design or style potential. Each garage door was individually constructed of wood to match the architectural style of the home where the garage was built. With the advent of mass production techniques, standardized designs became common and resulted in the three basic designs that are today considered “traditional” style garage doors. Recessed panel doors, raised panel doors, and flush panel doors are the industry standard and are offered in a wide variety of materials, colors, and insulation values. Add the large choice of window options available for each and you have an array of garage door designs that can fit any home style.
Contact us today and choose from our full selection of traditional style garage doors in vinyl, steel, composite and wood.